Addressing Sexual Violence Along the Migratory Route Through the Darién Gap and Beyond

The issue brief shares key findings and recommendations from a CDA mission to the Republic of Panama, specifically in order to address sexual violence along the migratory route through the Darién Gap and beyond.

Addressing sexual violence along the migratory route requires significant effort from an under-resourced community of Panamanian authorities and humanitarian workers, as well as a continuum of care along the route, beyond Panama. It is vital that all stakeholders put forward a region-wide response, one of shared responsibility to address these challenges.

This report provides detailed recommendations to this effect for the government of Panama, the U.S. Government, international donors, international humanitarian leadership in Panama, humanitarian aid providers, and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).


Guiding Principles for a Regional Framework on Migration and Protection in the Americas


Panama’s Role in Regional Migration Management